“The Eyes Have It”: important questions and answers. Descriptive questions and answers from “The Eyes Have It” by Ruskin Bond. Questions and answers from “The Eyes Have It”. DAQ/LAQ from “The Eyes Have It”. Important notes from”The Eyes Have It” by Ruskin Bond.
(আমরা নোটের বাংলা মানে বন্ধনীর মধ্যে দিলাম)
1) “You have an interesting face”- Who said this and to whom? How did the person spoken to react? How did the speaker mend or correct his or her comment? (2+2+2)
The narrator (কথক) of “The Eyes Have It” by Ruskin Bond is (হলেন) the speaker (বক্তা) here (এখানে).
Narrator (কথক) said (বললেন) this (এটা) to the girl co-passenger (মহিলা সহযাত্রীটিকে) in the train compartment (ট্রেনের কামরায়).
Then (তারপর) the narrator (কথক) intended (চেয়েছিল) to flatter (তোষামোদ করতে) the girl co-passenger (মহিলা সহযাত্রীটিকে) with this remark (এই মন্তব্যের দ্বারা). He (সে) wanted (চেয়েছিল) to discover (জানতে) the girl’s (বালিকাটির) looks (চেহারা), but (কিন্তু) he (সে) could not (পারেনি) because (কারণ) he (সে) was (ছিল) completely (পুরোপুরি) blind (অন্ধ). During the train journey (ট্রেন যাত্রার সময়) the narrator (কথক) told (বলেছিল) the girl (বালিকাটিকে) that (যে) she had (তার ছিল) an interesting (আকর্ষণীয়) face (মুখ). Hearing (শুনে) this remark (এই মন্তব্য) the girl (বালিকাটি) reacted (প্রতিক্রিয়া জানিয়েছিল) with a clear (পরিস্কার) ringing laugh (সুরেলা হাসি দিয়ে). She (সে অর্থাৎ বালিকাটি) also told (আরও বলেছিল) the narrator (কথককে) that (যে) she was used to (সে অভ্যস্ত ছিল) hear (শুনতে) the compliment (প্রশংসা) ‘pretty’ (সুন্দর), now (এখন) the word (শব্দটি) “interesting” (আকর্ষণীয়) was attractive (সুন্দর).
Thus (এইভাবে), the narrator (কথক) came to know (জানতে পারল) that (যে) the girl (বালিকাটির) really (সত্যিই) had (ছিল) a pretty face (একটি সুন্দর মুখ). He mended (সংশোধন করে নিল) his comment (তার মন্তব্যের) saying (এই বলে) that (যে) an interesting (আকর্ষণীয়) face (মুখ) could also be (হতে পারে) a pretty one (সুন্দর মুখ).
Question: “She would forget our brief encounter.” – Who said this and about whom? What is the brief encounter referred to here? Why did the speaker think so?
Ans: The above-mentioned line was not uttered, but thought by the narrator of the story “The Eyes Have It”.
This was thought about the girl in the train compartment.
Here the ‘brief encounter’ refers to the brief meeting of the narrator and the blind girl in their train journey. This brief meeting was full of emotion and cunningness.
The narrator of the story fell in love with the voice and even the sound of the blind girl’s sleepers. He was charmed. This brief encounter became a strong part of his journey and he thought that the girl would forget that very memory very easily.
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2) “The voice had the sparkle of a mountain stream” – Who thinks so? Whose ‘voice’ is referred to? Why was the voice so special? (1+1+4)
Ans: The narrator (কথক) of the story (গল্পটির) “The Eyes Have It” by Ruskin Bond thinks (মনে করেন) that (যে) the voice had (কন্ঠস্বরটির ছিল) the sparkle (দ্যুতি বা সৌন্দর্য) of a mountain stream (পাহাড়ি ঝর্ণার).
The voice (কন্ঠস্বর) of the girl co-passenger (মহিলা সহযাত্রীটির) in the train compartment (ট্রেনের কামরায়) is referred to (উল্লেখ করা হয়েছে) here (এখানে).
As (যেহেতু) the narrator (কথক) was (ছিলেন) completely (পুরোপুরি) blind (অন্ধ), he could not discover (সে জানতে পারল না) the appearance (চেহারা) of the girl (বাালিকাটির). But (কিন্তু) he could feel (সে অনুভব করল) her presence (তার উপস্থিতি) through her voice তার কন্ঠস্বরের মাধ্যমে). He was moved (সে মুগ্ধ হয়ে গেল) with the sweet (মধুর বা মিষ্টি) voice (কন্ঠস্বর) of the girl (বালিকাটির). To listen (শুনতে) to her talking (তার কথা), he (সে) was (ছিল) ready (প্রস্তুত) to sit (বসতে) in the train compartment (ট্রেনের কামরায়) for (জন্য) almost (প্রায়) any length of time (যে কোনো সময়). Her voice (তার কন্ঠস্বর) seemed (মনে হল) very (খুব) lively (জীবন্ত) and delightful (আনন্দ পূর্ণ) to the narrator (কথকের কাছে). That is why (সেই কারণে) her voice তার কন্ঠস্বরটি) was (ছিল) very (খুব) special (বিশেষ) to the narrator কথকের কাছে) and he (সে) thought (ভেবেছিল) that (যে) the voice (কন্ঠস্বরটির) had (ছিল) the sparkle (দ্যুতি বা সৌন্দর্য) of a mountain stream (পাহাড়ি ঝর্ণার).
3) “Then I made a mistake.” – What mistake did the narrator do? How did the girl react to it? (2+4)
Ans: During conversation (কথোপকথনের সময়ে) the narrator (কথক) asked (জিজ্ঞাসা করল) his girl co-passenger (মহিলা সহযাত্রীটিকে) what it was like outside (বাইরে টা কেমন দেখাচ্ছিল). Immediately (সঙ্গে সঙ্গে) he (সে) thought (ভাবল) it (এটা) to be a mistake (ভুল হয়ে গেছে) because (কারণ) she might know (সে জেনে ফেলতে পারত) the narrator’s blindness (কথকের অন্ধত্ব).
But (কিন্তু) the girl (বালিকাটি) could not realise (বুঝতে পারল না) that (যে) the narrator (কথক) was (ছিল) blind (অন্ধ). Her (তার) next (পরের) question (প্রশ্ন) removed (দূর করে দিল) narrator’s (কথকের) doubt (সন্দেহ). The girl (বালিকাটি) asked (জিজ্ঞাসা করল) the narrator (কথক) why (কেন) he did not look (সে দেখে নি) outside (বাইরের দিকে). At that time (সেই সময়ে) he (সে) pretended (ভান করেছিল) to study (পর্যবক্ষেণ করতে) the landscape (বাইরের দৃশ্য). He (সে) asked (জিজ্ঞাসা করল) the girl (বালিকাটিকে) if she noticed (সে লক্ষ্য করেছে কি না) that (যে) the trees (গাছগুলো) seemed (মনে হল) to be moving (ছুটছে) while (যখন) they (তারা) seemed (মনে হল) to be still (স্থির হয়ে আছে). The girl (বালিকাটি) informed (জানাল) that (যে) it (এটা) happens (ঘটে) always (সর্বদাই). In this way (এইভাবে) his (তার) doubts (সন্দেহগুলি) were removed (দূর হয়েছিল).
4. “You must be disappointed.”-Who said this and to whom? When did the person say this? Why did he say this?
Ans: The third passenger who just boarded the narrator’s compartment at Sanaranpur said this.
The new passenger said this to the narrator.
When the girl had left the compartment, the new passenger entered. At that time, the narrator was lost in a day dream. He was still thinking about the short encounter with the girl. The new passenger understood this. Then he made the above remark.
The girl was very beautiul and attractive. To a young man like the narrator, her company must be joyful. The narrator was deeply enjoying her company. But the girl had left the compartment. The new passenger who was not as attractive as the girl, took her place. The man felt this and made the remark.
5. ”I’m not so attractive a travelling companion as the one who just left” he said. who is the speaker? why did the speaker say so?
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Ans: The new fellow pessenger of the narrator in the train compartment said this when the girl had got off the train.
The new fellow pessenger boarded into the train and passed the girl on the way in. Most probably the new fellow traveller bumped into her or, maybe, got in her way and stammered an apology. Then the new fellow traveller told the narrator that he was not an as attractive travelling companion as the girl who just left the train compartment because the girl was really attractive and that she had very beautiful. He also mentioned that the girl was blind.
6. “That always happens”-Who is the speaker? To whom did he/she say this? Mention (উল্লেখ করো) context (প্রসঙ্গ) of this remark (মন্তব্য)? Comment (মন্তব্য করো) on the irony of the situation.
In the famous (বিখ্যাত) short story (ছোট গল্প) “The Eyes Have It” by Ruskin Bond, the blind (অন্ধ) girl who (যে) was (ছিল) in the train compartment, said this to the narrator (কথক) of the story. Looking (তাকিয়ে) out (বাইরে দিকে) of the window (জানালা থেকে), the narrator made pretention (ভান করেছিল)to observe (পর্যবক্ষেণ করা) the landscape (দৃশ্য). In his mind’s eye (তার মনের চোখে), the narrator saw (দেখেছিল) the telegraph posts (খুঁটি) flashing by (মুহূর্তের মধ্যে পেরিয়ে যাওয়া).
The narrator (কথক) was very eager (আগ্রহী) to converse (কথোপকথন করা) with the girl. He wanted to know (জানতে চেয়েছিল) from the girl if she had noticed (লক্ষ্য করা) that the trees seemed (মনে হয়েছিল) to be moving (ছুটছে) while they seemed to be standing still (স্থির হয়ে দাঁড়িয়ে আছে). Then the girl replied that it always happens (ঘটে).
Actually (প্রকৃতপক্ষে), the narrator did not see the trees moving, nor the girl. It was nothing but the imaginary (কাল্পনিক) observation (পর্যবক্ষেণ). This made the narrator ask such question and the girl to reply immediately (সঙ্গে সঙ্গে). This is the ironical situation.
7. “Thank goodness it’s a short journey. I can’t bear to sit in a train more than two-or-three hours.” – Who is the speaker here? When did he say so? What was the reaction of the listener? (1+2+3=6)
Ans: The blind girl, the co-passenger of the narrator in Ruskin Bond’s short story ‘The Eyes Have It’ is the speaker here.
When the narrator told the girl that they would soon reach at Saharanpur where the girl would get down, the girl said this.
Hearing this, the narrator was not pleased. He was so extremely charmed by the girl’s voice. Even he liked the sound of slippers and scented hair. So the narrator did not want to part with the girl. He was very eager and ready to listen to her talking for any length of time. According to the narrator, the girl would forget their brief encounter, but he would continue to haunt his sweet memory for the rest of the journey and even for some time after.
8. “Oh, how lucky you are”-Who is the speaker of this remark? Who was considered lucky and why? What did the person spoken to reply? (1 + 2+ 3 = 6)
Ans. The female (মহিলা) co-passenger (সহযাত্রী) whom (যাকে) the narrator (কথক) of the story (গল্পটির) “The Eyes Have It” met (সাক্ষাৎ করেছিল) in the train compartment (ট্রেনের কামরায়) is (হয়) the speaker (বক্তা) of the above (উপরে) mentioned (উল্লিখিত) remark (মন্তব্যের).
The narrator (কথক) who (যিনি) was completely (পুরোপুরি) blind (অন্ধ) was (ছিলেন) lucky (ভাগ্যবান) because (কারণ) he was going (তিনি যাচ্ছিলেন) to Mussoorie (মুসৌরিতে) in October (অক্টোবর মাসে). In October (অক্টোবর মাসে) the hills (পাহাড়গুলো) are (হয়) very (খুব) beautiful (সুন্দর) and charming (আকর্ষণীয়). The girl had (বালিকাটির ছিল) a very (খুব) special (বিশেষ) attraction (টান বা আকর্ষণ) for the hills (পাহাড়ের প্রতি). She wished (তার ইচ্ছে ছিল) to visit (বেড়ানোর) the hills of Mussoorie (মুসৌরির পাহাড়ে) in October (অক্টোবর মাসে). The narrator (কথক) remembered (মনে করল) his memories (তার স্মৃতি). He was (তিনি) agreed (একমত) with the girl (বালিকাটির সঙ্গে) that (যে) October (অক্টোবর) was (ছিল) the best (সবচেয়ে ভালো) month (মাস) to visit the hills (পাহাড়ে বেড়ানোর). He informed (সে জানালো) the girl (বালিকাটিকে) that (যে) in October (অক্টোবর মাসে) the hills (পাহাড়গুলো) are covered (ঢাকা থাকে) with wild dahlias (ডালিয়া ফুলে) and the sun (রোদ) is (হয়) enjoyable (উপভোগ্য). Having brandy (ব্রান্ডি পান করাটা) before a logfire (কাঠের আগুনের সামনে) at night (রাতে) is also quite (সম্পূর্ণ) refreshing (মনকে সতেজ করে এমন). The roads (রাস্তা গুলি) are (হয়) quiet (শান্ত) and lonely (নির্জন) as most of (বেশির ভাগ) tourists (পর্যটক) have left (চলে গেছে). Thus (এইভাবে) the narrator (কথক) replied (উত্তর দিয়েছিলেন).
9. “Yes, this is the best time” Who said this? What time is the best time? Why is it the best time? (l+1+ 4=6)
Ans: The narrator (কথক) of Ruskin Bond’s beautiful (সুন্দর) short story (ছোটগল্প) “The Eyes Have It’ said (বলেছিল) this (এটা) to the girl (বালিকাটিকে).
The time (সময়) referred to (যেটা উল্লেখ করা হয়েছে) in the line (এই লাইনে) is the month of October or the autumn. This is the best time.
The blind girl co-passenger of the narrator of “The Eyes Have It” expressed her desire (ইচ্ছা) that she wished to visit Mussoorie, specially in October. In this context, the narrator remarked that October is the best time to visit the hilly areas as the hills are covered with wild dahlias and pleasant sunshine. The roads on the hills are quiet and deserted as most of the tourists have already gone. Having brandy in front of log fires at night is also enjoyable and refreshing. That is why October is the best time to visit the hills.
10. “I’m tired of people telling me I have a pretty face.” – Who said this, to whom and when ? What did the person spoken to reply ? (1+1+2+2) WBCHSE-2020
Ans: The blind girl, the co-passenger of the narrator in the train compartment said this to the narrator.
When becoming quite daring the narrator made a safe remark, “You have an interesting face”, the girl said this.
The person spoken to here replied with bright wit that an interesting face could also be pretty.
11. “The man who had entered the compartment broke into my reverie.” – What reverie is referred to here? What was the reverie about? How was the reverie broken?
Ans: The reverie or daydream (দিবাস্বপ্ন) which (যেটা) the narrator (কথক) had (দেখেছিলেন) during (সময়ে) train journey (ট্রেন যাত্রা) is referred to (উল্লেখ করা হয়েছে) here (এখানে).
The reverie (দিবাস্বপ্ন) was (ছিল) about (সম্পর্কে) the brief (সংক্ষিপ্ত) encounter (পরিচয়) with the blind girl (অন্ধ বালিকার সঙ্গে) who (যে) got into (উঠেছিল) the train (ট্রেনে) at Rohana (রোহানায়). The narrator (কথক) had daydream (দিবাস্বপ্ন) about his brief journey (সংক্ষিপ্ত ভ্রমণ) and (এবং) sweet (মধুর) conversation (কথোপকথন) with the blind girl (অন্ধ বালিকাটির সঙ্গে). The narrator felt that the brief encounter with the girl would linger with him for a long time.
A third male passenger got into the train at Saharanpur. He broke into his reverie of the narrator by saying that he was not nearly as attractive a travelling companion as the girl who just left.
12. “She had beautiful eyes, but they were of no use to her” – Who says this and about whose eyes? Why were the eyes useless to her? Trace the irony in this situation?
Ans: In the story “The Eyes Have It” by Ruskin Bond, the narrator says this about eyes of the girl.
Her eyes are beautiful but they were useless to her. That means she was also blind. So, the eyes were of no use to her.
There is a sudden twist towards the end of the story. The narrator had been continuously trying to hide his blindness. But when he came to know that the girl was also blind, he realised that all his efforts to hide the truth had gone in vain. Here lies the irony.
13. “Then I made a mistake.” – What ‘mistake’ did the speaker make? Why was it a ‘mistake’? What removed the speaker’s doubts? What did the speaker do then?
Ans: The speaker asked the girl about the look of the outside of the train compartment. The speaker thought it to be a mistake.
According to the speaker, it was a mistake as it would raise question in the girl’s mind about the blindness of the speaker. Normal human beings do not ask others to see for them.
The girl’s answer removed the doubts of the speaker.
Then, going to close to the window, the speaker pretended to look outside to observe the running landscape. He also answered some questions about the outside picture based on his imagination.
14. Question: “You are a very gallant young man.” – Who said this and to whom? Why does the speaker say so?
Ans: In the story “The Eyes Have It”, the girl who got into the train at Rohana said this to the narrator.
During the conversation with the girl, the narrator applauded the girl for her interesting face. He was well aware that it was a daring act to praise an unknown girl. But he also new that most of the girls cannot resist flattery. The girl heartily accepted the appreciation with a clear, ringing laugh. The girl informed the narrator that she was tired of hearing that she had a pretty face. The narrator came to know that the girl had a pretty face and promptly replied that an interesting face could also be pretty. So, the girl took him to be a very gallant young man for such a nice comment.
15. “Can you tell me – did she keep her hair long or short?” –
a) Who is the speaker? To whom is he speaking?
b) Who is being referred to? Where did the girl get down?
c) What was the answer the speaker received in context to his question? (2+2+2)
a) The speaker is the narrator.
The narrator is speaking to the new passenger who entered the train compartment at Saharanpur.
b) The speaker is referring to a young girl who had been travelling with him from Rohana. The girl got down at Saharanpur.
c) The new co-passenger replied that he did not remember whether the girl kept her hair long or short. He noticed only her eyes and not her hair. She had beautiful eyes which were of no use to her as she was completely blind.
“The Eyes Have It” – এর বাংলা মানে – এখানে ক্লিক করো।
The Eyes Have It – বিস্তারিত আলোচনা।
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“Oh!how lucky you are” (The Eyes Have It) …i need this line’s question answer..long
Hi dear Sarada Das, visit our website regularly. You must get it. Thank you for your query. We have uploaded it.
Tnx bht aachaaa imformation h the eyes have it chapter pr
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