Hi dear students, এই পেজে আমরা পুরোপুরি ও পুঙ্খানুপুঙ্খভাবে আলোচনা করবো Ruskin Bond এর লেখা বিখ্যাত গল্প “The Eyes Have It” নিয়ে যেটি পশ্চিমবঙ্গ উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক শিক্ষার সিলেবাসে অন্তর্ভুক্ত। নিয়মিত এই পেজ ফলো করুন এবং নিজেকে ফাইনাল পরীক্ষার জন্য তৈরী করুন।
The Eyes Have It
Written by Ruskin Bond
About the author
Ruskin Bond is an Indian writer (লেখক) of English. He is a very popular (জনপ্রিয়) writer. He has a special (বিশেষ) power (ক্ষমতা) to observe (পর্যবক্ষেণ করা) human (মানব) beings (জাতি) very minutely (পুঙ্খানুপুঙ্খ ভাবে). In his stories (তার গল্পে) we get (পাই) the chance (সুযোগ) to go into (প্রবেশ করতে) the depth (গভীরতায়) of the characters (চরিত্রের). He is specially (বিশেষভাবে) sympathetic (সহানুভূতিশীল) to the physically (শারীরিক ভাবে) and mentally (মানসিকভাবে) challenged (চাহিদাসম্পন্ন) persons.
Ruskin Bond was born on 19th century 1934. The name of his mother was Edith Clerk and the name of his father was of Aubrey Bond. When Ruskin Bond was only 4 years old, his mother left his father and married a Punjabi Hindu Mr Hori.
Ruskin Bond has spent his childhood in Jamnagar and Shimla. His father died when he was only 10 years old. Then he moved to Dehradun and started to live with his grandmother. Ruskin Bond completed his school education at Bishop Cotton school in Shimla. He went to England and in London he started to write his first novel “The Room on the Roof”. He had a special love for Mussoorie which was a town of panoramic natural beauty in the Himalayan foothills. Ruskin Bond is creative and powerful writer. He has composed many short stories essays novels and Children’s books.
Detailed study of “The Eyes Have It”.
The Eyes Have It is an excellent short story written by Ruskin Bond. The narrator of this short story gives his experience in a train journey. The span or duration of the story is very short. We find two main characters- a young man and a young girl. They met each other in a train compartment. Both of them are blind. The young man discloses his blindness to the readers. But he tries to keep his blindness hidden to the girl. He is unaware of the fact that the girl is also blind. The man tries to converse with the girl.
He also tries to impress the girl. He himself is charmed with the sound of her voice. After a short conversation she gets down from the train compartment. Even after the conversation the narrator couldn’t know that the girl is blind. From a new co-passenger he comes to know that the girl is completely blind. Here the irony lies. This irony makes the story so charming. He ultimately realises that he has deceived himself. The story “The Eyes Have It” is highly suggestive.
*Now we are going to discuss the text of “The Eyes Have It ” almost word by word. This will help the students as well as teachers.
Word meaning:
I had the train compartment to myself up to Rohana – the narrator or the speaker was alone in the train compartment up to the station of Rohana.
Rohana – is the name of a rail station in Uttar Pradesh. (রোহানা হলো উত্তর প্রদেশের একটি রেল স্টেশনের নাম)
then – when the train reached Rohana station.
The girl – here the girl is also blind, but narrator does not know about her blindness of the girl. He thinks that the girl is a well-sighted one.
got in – entered. (প্রবেশ করলো) The girl entered the train compartment at Rohana station.
couple – here the ‘couple’ refer to the father and mother of the girl/ parents of the girl. (দম্পতি) They came to the station of Rohana to bid goodbye to their daughter.
The couple were much worried about her comfort because the girl was blind.
saw off – Bade goodbye. (বিদায় জানানো)
probably – possibly or perhaps.(সম্ভবত)
seemed – appeared. (মনে হলো)
anxious – concerned. (চিন্তিত)
comfort – relaxation/ease.(স্বাচ্ছন্দ্য)
woman – here the ‘woman’ refers to the mother of the girl.
detailed – minute.(পুঙ্খানুপুঙ্খ/বিস্তারিত)
instructions – directions / what to do and not to do.(নির্দেশ)
as to – relating. (সম্পর্কে)
lean – to bend down (ঝুঁকা)
strangers – unknown person (অচেনা ব্যক্তি)
They – parents of the girl
called their goodbyes- bade goodbyes/farewell. (বিদায় জানানো)
Pulled out of- set out. (বেরিয়ে গেল)
Totally – completely (পুরোপুরি)
blind-lack in eye sight. (অন্ধ)
Sensitive – responsive (সংবেদনশীল)
Unable – not able or incapable of. (অক্ষম)
Wore – put on (পরেছিল)
Slapped – struck hard with noise / hit hard. (আঘাত করেছিল)
Discover – find out (খুঁজে বের করা)
Looks- appearance (চেহারা)
Parhaps – may be (হয়তো)
I never would – I never would be able to discover about her looks.
Startled- gave a sudden movement (চমকে দিল)
Exclamation – surprise.(বিষ্ময়)
Happens – takes place/occurs (ঘটা)
Fail – incapable of doing something.(ব্যর্থ হওয়া)
People with good eye sight – those people who can see well.(দৃষ্টিশক্তি সম্পন্ন ব্যক্তি)
Take in – to see something minutely or be absorbed in. (মগ্ন থাকা)
Suppose – think/believe(অনুমান করা)
Essentials – necessary things(প্রয়োজনীয় জিনিস)
Registers – gives impression or strikes.(ছাপ রাখে)
Tellingly – considerably.(উল্লেখযোগ্য ভাবে)
Senses – powers of the body. (They are sight, smell, hearing, taste, touch).(ইন্দ্রিয়)
“I didn’t see you either” – here ‘I’ refers to the girl. The girl said that she was totally unaware of the presence of the narrator in the train compartment. Actually the girl could not see the presence of the narrator in the train compartment because she was blind.
“But I heard you come in” – here ‘I’ refers to the narrator. The narrator said that he heard the sound of the girl’s footsteps while she entered the train compartment. Here is a clue to the blindness of the narrator.
I wondered – the narrator said that he doubted. Here “wondered ” means “doubted”. (আমার সন্দেহ হয়)
Discovering – realising. (বুঝতে পারা)
blind – devoid of eyesight.(অন্ধ)
provided – if(যদি)
keep to – stick to(লেগে থাকা)
difficult – hard (কঠিন)
getting off – getting down (নামা)
Saharanpur it is a district town of UP
familiar – known (পরিচিত)
aunts – here refer to generally all the aunts of the grown – up girls.
usually – generally.(স্বাভাবিক ভাবে)
formidable – fearful. (ভয়ানক)
creatures – Persons. (ব্যক্তি)
lucky – fortunate (ভাগ্যবান)
especially – particularly. (বিশেষ ভাবে)
calling on – remembering.(স্মৃতিচারণ করে)
Dahlia is one kind of beautiful flower.(এক ধরনের ফুল)
delicious – this word is used there in the sense of comfortable. (মধুর/আরামদায়ক)
brandy – a tonic.
tourists – visitors. (পর্যটক)
have gone – left.(ছেড়ে যাওয়া)
quiet – silent/calm (শান্ত)
Deserted – abandoned (পরিত্যক্ত)
Touched – impressed (মুগ্ধ করলো)
Wondered – doubted (সন্দেহ হলো)
Romantic – full of imagination/imaginative/fanciful (কল্পনাপ্রবণ)
Mistake – err (ভুল)
Strange – astonishing/surprising (বিষ্ময়কর)
Removed – kept away (সরিয়ে দিল)
Berth – a place for sleeping on a train. (ট্রেনে ঘুমানোর জায়গা) or a reserved seat.
Pretence – deception/pretention (ভান)
Studying – watching minutely (ভালো করে লক্ষ্য করা)
Landscape – the natural scenery of a place (নৈসর্গিক দৃশ্য)
Panting – gasping/breathing quickly. (হাঁপানি)
Rumble – a continuous deep sound. (ঘর্ঘর শব্দ)
Flashing by – shining brightly and suddenly. (উদ্ভাসিত হওয়া)
Noticed – watched/observed (লক্ষ্য করা)
Ventured – dared (সাহস করল)
Still – fixed (অনড়)
Happens – takes place (ঘটা)
Confidently – with confidence or strong belief (আস্থার সঙ্গে)
Hardly – scarcely (প্রায় না/ কদাচিৎ)
Faced – encountered( মুখোমুখি হওয়া)
For a while – for sometime (কিছুক্ষন)
Remarked – said/commented(মন্তব্য করল)
Daring – very brave/reckless (বেপরোয়া)
Resist – prevent / check (প্রতিরোধ করা)
Flattery – praise
Pleasantly – sweetly (মিষ্টি করে)
Ringing – sound of bell (সুরেলা শব্দ)
Tired – exhausted (ক্লান্ত)
Pretty – beautiful (সুন্দর)
Aloud – loudly (চিৎকার করে)
Gallant – brave/courageous (সাহসী)
Serious – grave (গম্ভীর)
Lonely – alone (একাকী)
Bear – endure (সহ্য করা)
Prepared – ready (প্রস্তুত)
Sparkle – grandeur/radiance (ঝলক)
Stream – rivulet (ছোট নদী)
Brief – short (সংক্ষিপ্ত)
Encounter – meeting (সাক্ষাত)
Stay – remain (থাকা)
Rest – remaining (অবশিষ্টাংশ)
Shrieked – spoke in a sharp and loud voice. (জোরে চিৎকার করা)
Carriage – here it refers to the train.
Rhythm – regular repeated pattern of sound.
Bun – a knot of hair at the back of head. (খোঁপা)
Plaited – woven hair (বিনুনি করা চুল)
Hanging – hung (ঝুলছে)
Vendor – salesman (বিক্রেতা )
Perfume – scent (সুগন্ধি)
Tantalising – enticing (প্রলুব্ধ করে এমন)
Longered – remained (থেকে গেল)
Confusion – disorder / disturbance(বিশৃঙ্খলা)
Stammered – faltered (তোতলানো)
Apology – forgiveness (ক্ষমা)
Gathered – collected (সংগ্রহ করল)
Groaned – shouted in pain (আর্তনাদ করল)
Shook – trembled (ঝাঁকুনি দিল)
Staring – gazing (এক দৃষ্টিতে তাকিয়ে থাকা)
Fascinating – charming (চমৎকার)
Guessing – imagining (কল্পনা করা)
Went on – Continued (চালিয়ে গেল)
Reverie – day dream (দিবা স্বপ্ন)
Disappointed – despaired (হতাশ)
Puzzled – perplexed (হতভম্ব).
“The Eyes Have It” is analyzed here word by word. Keep visiting our website regularly to get more paraphrase, detailed discussions.
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