Thank You Ma’am – Important Short Questions (SAQ Type) for HS Final Exam (Class XII Students), WBCHSE, West Bengal.

Thank You Ma’am – Very Important Short Questions (SAQ) type. Prepare for your Final HS Exam. Also Important for all Competitive Exams. Short Answer type Questions for class 12 HS Final Exam.

Here are the most important short questions. Prepare Right Now.

1)  Who wrote the story “Thank You Ma’am? (“Thank You Ma’am” গল্পটি কে লিখেছেন?)

Ans: Langston Hughes wrote the story “Thank You Ma’am ” (Langston Hughes “Thank You Ma’am” গল্পটি লিখেছেন।)

2. What did Roger wear? (Roger কি পরেছিল?)

Ans: Roger wore a blue – jeaned sitter.

3. “She was a large woman with a large purse that had everything in it but hammer and nails” – Who was the woman?

Ans: The woman was Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones.

4. Why did Mrs. Jones take the boy with her to her house?

Ans: Mrs. Jones took the boy with her to her house to get him fully washed.

5. What was the speciality of the purse of Mrs. Jones?

Ans:It was a large purse that had everything in it but hammer and nails.

6. When did Mrs. Jones meet Roger?

And: Mrs. Jones met Roger at about 11O’clock.

Thank You Ma'am

7. What did Mrs. Jones want Roger to teach?

Ans: Mrs. Jones wanted to teach Roger right from wrong.

8. When did Mrs. Jones release the boy?

Ans: Mrs. Jones released the boy when she told him to wash his face in the sink.

9. How old was Roger?

Ans: Roger was between fourteen or fifteen years old.

10. What was the  first question of Mrs. Jones to Roger?

Ans: Mrs. Jones asked him if he was not ashamed of himself.

HS English Suggestion 2023 – Click here.

11. How did Roger look?

Ans: Roger was frail and willow wild. He was a boy of fourteen or fifteen in tennis shoes and blue jeans.

12. What was inside the purse of Mrs. Jones?

Ans: The purse had everything except hammer and nails.

13. What did Roger try to do?

Ans: Roger tried to snatch the purse of Mrs. Jones.

14. “Then we’ll eat.” – Who are ‘we’?

Ans: Here ‘we’ refer to Mrs. Jones and Roger.

15. “I am very sorry, lady, I am very sorry.” – Who said this?

Ans: The boy Roger said this.

16. Where did Mrs. Jones work?

Ans: Mrs. Jones worked in a hotel beauty shop.

17. What did Mrs. Jones give to Roger?

Ans: Mrs. Jones gave Roger 10 dollars.

18. What was Mrs. Jones cooking?

Ans: Mrs. Jones was cooking some lima beans, ham and making some cocoa.

19. “Not with that face, I would not take you nowhere.” – What was wrong with the face?

Ans: The face of Roger was very dirty.

20. Why was Roger unfed?

Ans: Roger was unfed because he had none at his house to cook for him.

21. How did Roger try to help Mrs. Jones?

Ans: Roger tried to help Mrs Jones by saying that she could get something bought by Roger from the stores.

22. What type of customers did Mrs. Jones meet at the hotel beauty shop?

Ans: In the hotel beauty shop Mrs. Jones met all kinds of women coming in and out like blondes, red heads, Spanish customers.

23. What did Mrs. Jones do Roger after kicking him down the ground?

Ans: After kicking him down the ground Mrs. Jones picked Roger up by his side and shook him vigorously till his teeth rattled.

24. What did the woman want in her youth?

Ans: In her youth, the woman also wanted things which she could not get.

25. What was the parting advice of Mrs. Jones to Roger?

Ans: When Roger was about to leave Mrs. Jones advised him to behave properly.

26. “Do you need somebody to go to the store?”- Who said this and to whom?

Ans: Roger said this to Mrs. Jones.

27. “He could make a dash for it down the hall.” – When did he think so?

Ans: Roger thought this when he saw the door open.

28. How could Mrs. Jones see Roger from the kitchen if she wanted to?

Ans: Mrs. Jones could see Roger out of the corner of her eyes from the kitchen.

29. How was Mrs. Jones carrying her bag?

Ans: Mrs. Jones was carrying her bag slung across her shoulder.

30. Where did Mrs. Jones cook supper?

Ans: Mrs. Jones cooked supper in the kitchenette behind the screen inside the room.

Bengali Meaning of “Thank You Ma’am” – Click here.

31. Who used to come to the hotel beauty shop of Mrs. Jones?

Ans: Women having different coloured hair like blondes, red-headed and Spanish used to come to the total beauty shop of Mrs. Jones.

32. Why did Roger sit on the far side of the room?

Ans: Roger sat on the far side of the room so that Mrs. Jones could see him if she wanted.

33. Where did Mrs. Jones take the boy?

Ans: Mrs. Jones took the boy to her room in a large house.

34. What were there behind the screen in Mrs. Jones’ room?

Ans: There were a gas plate and an ice-bag behind the screen in Mrs. Jones’ room.

35. How did Mrs. Jones catch Roger?

Ans; Mrs. Jones caught Roger tightly by shirt front.

HS English Suggestion 2023 – Click here.

36. What did Mrs. Jones advise Roger repeatedly?

Ans: Mrs. Jones repeatedly advised Roger not to snatch others’ pocketbook again and also advised him to behave well.

37.What was the first thing Roger was told to do after he entered Mrs. Jones’ room?

Ans: After Roger entered Mrs. Jones’s room, he was first told to go to the sink and wash his face.

38. “Now, here, take this ten dollars…” – Who said this and to whom?

Ans: Mrs Luella Bates Washington Jones said this to Roger in the story “Thank You Ma’am” by Langston Hughes.

39. What was the price of the cake the boy was given a part of in “Thank You Ma’am”?

Ans: The price of the cake which the boy was given a part of in “Thank You Ma’am was ten cent.

40. Where did Roger fall on losing his balance?

Ans: Roger fell on the sidewalk losing his balance.

41. What did Mrs. Jones ask Roger to pick up?

Ans: Mrs. Jones asked Roger to pick up her pocketbook in the story “Thank You Ma’am”.

42. What is the full name of Mrs. Jones?

Ans: The full name of Mrs. Jones is Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones.

43. What did Roger fear the most?

Ans: Roger was most afraid of police.

44. At what time did the boy meet Mrs. Jones?

Ans: It was about eleven O’ clock at night when Roger met Mrs. Jones.

45. When and where did Roger and Mrs. Jones meet?

Ans: When at about 11 o’clock at night Mrs. Jones was walking alone at the corner of the street, Roger ran uf behind her and tried to snatch her purse. Thus they met.

46. What, according to the woman, was the least she could do for the boy?

Ans: According to Mrs. Jones, the least she could do for the boy (Roger) was to wash his face.

47. What did the boy want to say before leaving?

Ans: The boy wanted to say something else other than “Thank you, ma’am” to Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones.

48. What were the parting words of Roger to Mrs. Jones?

Ans: The parting words of Roger to Mrs. Jones were “Thank you”.

HS English Suggestion 2023 – Click here.

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    1. Hi Miss Priyanjali Choudhury, thank you very much for your comment. Visit our website regularly and get more updates.

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