Recently your school organised a Cleaning Drive in the immediate vicinity of the school. The students and all staffs of the school participated in the programme. Write a report on it.

Cleaning Drive around School:
Bankhati, 8, Feb, 2021: The students of Bankhati High School arranged a cleaning drive in the adjoining local area to make the common people conscious about the necessity and benefits of cleanliness. At the end of the winter, a number of infectious diseases are spreading rapidly. The spread of such kind of diseases much depend on dirty condition of the area. The drive started at eleven. Fifty students of different classes took part in the drive. Five teachers led and guided them. With brooms, buckets, bleaching powder they cleaned both the sides of the road and in
tne village also they continued their cleaning. Some local people also joined the students and teachers. They worked for more than four hours. Watching the clean surroundings the local people became so happy that they gave words to maintain such kind of cleanliness all the time of the year. The teachers also told them about the benefits of cleanliness. At the end of the day the students became very tired, but one could find beautiful smiles on their faces as they felt proud to do something positive with their own hands for society. The participating teachers expressed their opinion about the drive that with such kind of involvements, students’ mental growth would be healthy.
By Rounak Ghosh, Class XIl Student, Bankhati High School.
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