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Write a letter to your friend telling him how you have spent your time during this lockdown.
Vill – Rampur
P.O. – Rampur
Dist – Hooghly
Dear Prashanta,
Your letter is just to my hand. You have rightly said that the covid-19 pandemic has put us all in a very difficult situation. We have never faced such critical situation before. You have wanted to know from me how I have spent my time during this lockdown period.
I keep myself busy doing exercise and meditation daily. This helps me to keep my body fit and mind peaceful. Regularly I do my online classes arranged by my school. I read storybooks and books of drama. In order to avoid boredom, I listen to music. Besides I play ludo with my parents. I also have kept myself busy by teaching some illiterate persons in our area, of course, maintaining covid-19 rules.
Convey my special regards to parents. I am also eager to know your routine in the confined days of lockdown. No more today. More when we meet.
Ever yours,
Vill – Satial Surya
Post Office – Satial
Pin – 712722
Dist – Hooghly
Lockdown in India – A Paragraph Writing
Prepare this letter writing for your Class X, XI, XII final Examinations. It is very important for your Madhyamik Exam.
Visit our website onlineexamgroup.com to get more important writings of current affairs and other writings such as Paragraph, Biography, Notice, Report and many more.
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