Duties of Students
A Paragraph Writing:
We live, we learn. We learn throughout our whole life. But student life refers to the part of life spent at educational institutions. It is the seed-time. So it is very important part of a man’s life. The first and foremost duty of a student is to study. Students are the nation builders. So, to get a bright future, a student must acquire knowledge. They should study and collect as much knowledge as possible. They must learn to be industrious (পরিশ্রমী) and must give much time to learn more and more. The world is changing rapidly (দ্রুত) ; so they should keep pace with the changing world. They should form good habits to fight the evils of society. They should acquire knowledge because knowledge is power and no nation can prosper without knowledge. They must avoid bad company because it leads to the path of ruin.
A student must be obedient to his teachers and elders. Without respect and obedience none can learn. We know that character is a great strength. So, students must have good character and must learn the principles of health and hygiene. Heath is our best asset. They should cultivate the habits of truthfulness and develop intellectual power. A student must love his neighbours and help them. He should respond to the call of society. Every student should train himself in such a way that in future he or she may render his or her service to the country. Otherwise, all his education will go in vain. Once again he must remember that his primary duty is to study.
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