Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper complaining against the misuse of microphones.

Editorial letter writing: misuse of microphones. Important for all examinations. Prepare it right now for your exam preparation. Get more important writings for your exam preparation.

Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper complaining against the misuse of microphones.


The Editor

The Statesman

Kolkata 700001

Sub: Misuse of Microphones.

Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I would like to venture to point out my concern against the misuse of microphones.

The merry-making through the indiscriminate use of microphones in each and every occasion, now-a-days, has become a fashion. About on all occasions the microphones blare out nothing but cheap film songs throughout the whole day. The sound is so high that it is very risky to pass by. Due to the indiscriminate use of microphones the patients, the students, the children and the old people are greatly affected. They suffer a lot. The world people are forced to pass the sleepless nights. The students cannot take preparation for their examination. But they do not care about it. They only want to enjoy causing suffering to others.

I think the police should take the necessary steps to stop this indiscriminate and careless use of microphone. A strong public opinion also should be created through this editorial letter.

yours faithfully,

Surya Ghosh




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