Grammar from Upon Westminster Bridge, Class XI, WBCHSE. Important for Class-XI Annual Exam
Grammar from Upon Westminster Bridge, Class XI, WBCHSE. Important for Class-XI Annual Exam. Very important grammar for the students of class XI students and those who are going to sit for various types of Competitive Exams. Do practice and prepare these examples of grammar and do an extraordinary result in your exam.
Voice Change:
Q: The city now doth like a garment wear the beauty of the morning.
Ans: The beauty of the morning is now worn by the city like a garment.
Q: Ne’er saw I, never felt, a calm so deep!
Ans: A calm so deep ne’er was seen, ne’er felt by me.
Q: Never did sun more beautifully steep.
In his first splendour valley, rock or hill.
Ans: Valley, rock or hill were never more beautifully steeped by sun in his first splendour.

Do as directed:
Q: Earth has not anything to show more fair. (Change into an Interrogative sentence)
Ans: Has earth anything to show more fair?
Q: I never felt a calm so deep. (Change into Comparative Degree)
Ans: I never felt a calm deeper than this.
Q: One could pass by a sight so touching in its majesty. He would be a dull of soul. (Join into a Complex Sentence)
Ans: He would be a dull man who could pass by a sight so touching in its majesty.
Q: The very houses seem asleep. (Turn into a Complex Sentence)
Ans: Those are the very houses that seem asleep.
Q: Earth has not anything to show more fair. (Change into an Assertive sentence)
Ans: Earth is unable to show anything more fair.
Q: And all that mighty heart is lying asleep. (Rewrite using the noun form of ‘mighty”.
Ans: And all that heart of might is lying asleep.
Q: Earth has not anything to show more fair. (Change the degree of the sentence)
Ans: This is the most fair to show on earth. (This is Superlative degree)
Ans: Earth has not anything to show so fair as this. (This is Positive degree)
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