Answers to Practice Set 1 (Voice Change), Important for All Competitive Exams.

Dear students we have given here the Answers to Practice Set 1. Practise and match for the answers here. You will definitely score a great result in your coming examination. Visit our website regularly and always be the first.

Answers to Practice Set 1 of Voice Change

1. Someone wrote this letter in the nineteenth century.

Ans: This letter was written in the nineteenth century.

2. Ramesh takes his lunch.

Ans: His lunch is taken by Ramesh.

3. Ramesh is taking his lunch.

Ans: His lunch is being taken by Ramesh.

4. Ramesh has taken his lunch.

Ans: His lunch has been taken by Ramesh.

5. Ramesh took his lunch.

Ans: His lunch was taken by Ramesh.

6. Ramesh was taking his lunch.

Ans: His lunch was being taken by Ramesh.

7. Ramesh had taken his lunch.

Ans: His lunch had been taken by Ramesh.

8. Ramesh will take his lunch.

Ans: His lunch will be taken by Ramesh.

9. Ramesh will have taken his lunch.

Ans: His lunch will have been taken by Ramesh.

10. We respect our teachers.

Ans: Our teachers are respected by us.

11. Rima has done the sum.

Ans: The sum has been done by Rima.

12. God loves man.

Ans: Man is loved by God.

13. We read English.

Ans: English is read by us.

14. He knows me.

Ans: I am known to him.

15. You have seen the man.

Ans: The man has been seen by you.

16. I am buying a pen.

Ans: A pen is being bought by me.

17. She was driving a car.

Ans: A car was being driven by her.

18. She has killed a bird.

Ans: A bird has been killed by her.

19. He saw a most wonderful sight.

Ans: A most wonderful sight was seen by him.

20. He was carrying a load.

Ans: A load was being carried by him.

21. We were learning German.

Ans: German was being learnt by us.

22. He was not eating rice.

Ans: Rice was being eaten by him.

23. Nobody can put up with such insult.

Ans: Such insult cannot be put up with.

24. I want to do the work.

Ans: I want the work to be done.

25. He can do the sum.

Ans: The sum can be done by me.

27. He may do the work.

Ans: The work may be done by him.

29. You need not punish him.

Ans: He is not needed to be punished by you.

30. I am to do the job.

Ans: The job is to be done by me.

31. I might do the work.

Ans: The work might be done by me.

32. They played cricket.

Ans: Cricket was played by them.

33. The boys were playing football.

Ans: Football was being played by the boys.

34. He gave me a chocolate.

Ans: A chocolate was given to me by him.

35. He dreamt a dream last night.

Ans: A dream was seen by him last night.

36. My purse has been stolen.

Ans: Someone has stolen my purse.

37. He killed himself.

Ans: He was killed by himself.

38. The boy killed a dog.

Ans: A dog was killed by the boy.

39. The employee was dismissed.

Ans: The employer dismissed the employee.

40. My friend helped me a lot.

Ans: I was helped a lot by my friend.

41. We call the lion the king of beasts.

Ans: Lion is called the king of beasts (by us).

42. I have to make a plan.

Ans: A plan has to be made by me.

43. He displaced his father.

Ans: His father was displaced by him.

44. Light filled the room.

Ans: The room was filled with light.

45. He gave me spectacles.

Ans: Spectacles were given to me by him.

46. They made him king.

Ans: He was made king by them.

46. His sudden arrival surprised us.

Ans: We were surprised at his sudden arrival.

47. Nobody can change his destiny.

Ans: His destiny cannot be changed.

48. She is to write a letter.

Ans: A letter is to be written by her.

49. Mothers look after their children.

Ans: Children are looked after by their mothers.

50. The boy bought new scissors.

Ans: New scissors were bought by the boy.

Important Diminutives for your Competitive Exams.

Regularly practise these voice changes (Answers to Practice Set 1) to prepare yourself for all types of competitive exams. You will definitely score a very good result in your examination. You can also prove yourself to be different from others.

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