Nobel Lecture : Important SAQ for Semester II, WBCHSE. Model Short Answer Type Questions from Nobel Lecture for Class XI 2nd Semester, West Bengal.
Do you want to score a very good result in 2nd Semester in Class XI of West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education? Then visit our website and get very important questions for the Second Semester. Important English Short Answer Type Questions (SAQ) for 2nd Semester. Very important short questions from “Nobel Lecture” by Mother Teresa.
1. Question: How did Mother Teresa try to check the population growth?
Ans: Mother Teresa tried to check the population growth by teaching the beggars, lepers, the slum dwellers, the street people natural family planning.
2. Question: According to Saint John, when will a person be considered as a liar?
Ans: According to Saint John, a person will be considered as a liar, if he says that he loves God and he does not love his neighbour.
3. How did Jesus show his greater love to man?
Ans: Jesus Christ showed his greater love to man by the supreme sacrifice of his own life on the cross.
4. How did Mother Teresa examine her conscience in the context of the dying woman accepting death with a smiling face?
Ans: Mother Teresa made a confession that if she had been in the place of that dying woman, she would have tried to draw a little attention to herself by complaining about her physical discomforts.
5. Why was Mother Teresa surprised in the West?
Ans: Mother Teresa was surprised to see many young boys and girls given to drugs in the West.
6. Who, according to Mother Teresa, are very great people and why?
Ans: The poor people are very great people according to Mother Teresa as they teach us many beautiful things.
7. What did Mother Teresa intend to do with the Nobel Peace Prize?
Mother Teresa intended to make a home for many homeless people with the money of the Nobel Peace Prize.
8. What does St. John say? Whom should we love to love god as advised by St. John?
Ans: St. John says you are a liar if you say you love God but you don’t love your neighbour.
According to St. John, we should love our neighbours to love God.
9. What, according to Mother Teresa, is the greatest destroyer of peace? How do Mother Teresa and her associates fight against it?
Ans: According to Mother Teresa, the greatest destroyer of peace is abortion.
Mother Teresa and her associates fight against abortion by adoption.
10. What was Mother Teresa’s observation about poor people?
Ans: The poor people, according to Mother Teresa, are beautiful, great and wonderful. They are able to teach us many beautiful things.
Important SAQ from “The Garden Party” – Click here.
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