Important Grammar from Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day Sonnet NO.18 For HS Students West Bengal.

Important Grammar from Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day?: Prepare these Grammar. Do an Excellent Result in your HS Final Exam.

এই গ্রামার গুলি তৈরি করলে অতি অবশ্যই ফাইনাল পরীক্ষায় কমন পাবেন। উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ফাইনাল পরীক্ষায় আশানুরূপ ফল করতে হলে নিয়মিত প্র্যাকটিস করুন এই গ্রামার গুলি।

You are more beautiful than summer. (Turn into positive degree)

Ans: Summer is not so beautiful as you.

You are more temperate than summer.

Ans: Summer is not so temperate as you.

Winds are rough. They shake the darling buds of May. Join into a Simple Sentence)

Ans: Rough winds do shake/shake the darling buds of May.

You are fairer than summer.

Ans: Summer is not so fair as you.

But thy eternal summer shall not fade. (Turn into an assertive sentence)

Ans: But thy eternal summer shall remain unfaded.

His gold complexion is not as lasting as yours. (Turn into competitive degree)

Ans: Your gold complexion is more lasting than his.

Thy summer shall not fade. It is eternal.  (Join into a Simple Sentence)

Ans: Thy eternal summer shall not fade.

Thy summer shall not fade. It is eternal.  (Join into a Compound Sentence)

Ans: Thy summer is eternal and so it will not fade.

Thy summer shall not fade. It is eternal.  (Join into a Complex Sentence)

Ans: Thy summer shall not fade as/because it is eternal.

Cloud dims his complexion often. He is gold in complexion. (Join into a Simple Sentence)

Ans: Cloud often dims his gold complexion.

The poet said,”Often is his gold complexion dimmed.”

Ans: The poet said that his gold complexion was often dimmed.

The poet said,”Every fair from fair sometime declines.”

Ans: The poet said that every fair from fair sometime declines.

The eye of heaven shines. Sometime it shines too hot. (Join into a simple sentence)

Ans: The eye of heaven sometime shines too hot.

The poet said,”Summer’s lease hath all too short a date.”

Ans: The poet said that summer’s lease had all too short a date.

You possess fairness. You will not lose it. (Join into a Complex Sentence)

Ans: You will not lose the fairness that you possess.

Prepare carefully these examples of Important Grammar from Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day?

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